How to Dry Wet Carpet 101
How to Dry Your Wet Carpet
Drying wet carpet can be a difficult task. It is important to follow these instructions to ensure that the carpet dries quickly and efficiently. To start, you will need a few tools:
A vacuum cleaner with an attachment for wet surfaces or a large bucket, large trash bag, or large towel to collect the water
Take up as much of the standing liquid with a mop or bucket. The more quickly this is done, the better for it’s chances to dry. Remove any wet surface materials and place them out of harm’s way – such as on top of furniture that can’t get wet. Drying these items outside may also be an option. Use fans to circulate air around a space so it will naturally dry from all angles. This helps reduce mold growth and keeps carpets drier overall by preventing pooling at one end and creating areas where moisture has been gradually accumulating without being noticed over time.
Next, remove as much of the wet carpeting as possible and place it on top of a large bucket or towel to dry out naturally. If this is not an option then you can use your vacuum cleaner with the attachment for wet surfaces – be careful to keep the nozzle low enough so that there’s no risk of sucking up water from under the fibers in order to suck any more moisture out without damaging them. This process should continue until all excess liquids have been removed from both carpets and where they were stored temporarily outside their normal location (e.g., furniture).
You can also rent extraction equipment such as a dehumidifier which will extract even more moisture than a standard dryer does by pulling air over dampened materials.
If you are unsure of the extent to which carpets have been saturated, place a moisture meter in an area where liquid has pooled and depress it with your thumb or fingers about one inch into the carpeting at several locations around the room. The readings from each spot should be close (within 50% of one another). If not – if there is significant variation- then this will provide insight as to how bad the damage may be.